in an other region the dance is an expression for how fragile life is and how carefull you should make decisions. i guess i don`t need to say more when you see this: (should be a video, but i couldn`t upload it)
kampala itself was amazing, crowded, busy, full of traffic jam and filled with hard contrasts, rich and poor, beautifull and ugly and so on, and so on. today there where demonstrations in kampala because prices for dailyneeded things rised much. people walked to work instead of using bodabodas (motorcycles) and matatus (taxis). the police shooted in the air and used rubbershots and teargas to fear the people.
back at kids (yesterday night) i was very tired and went straight to bed. in the early morning the strongest thunderstorm so far hit the village. i could feel raindrops in my bed, which is one meter behind the windows (of course not the best windows, but they where closed) and a roofed balcony. the thunerstorm caused a powercut, which lasted until 9 o`clock in the morning.
but then caro and i started to build the kitchen for flat one (remeber? i talked about this kitchen in one of the first posts...) we had some cutting leftovers which i used build cajon (here some examples of cajons made by stefan dietemann:!/pages/SD-Cajons/126178500761934) so now i got a guitar and a cajon, maybe i can start a band!
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