check out the sunny sunday feeling:
what a day! after my first night in flat no. 1 sunlight woke me up in the early morning. after hanging around in bed, christan (have i ever before talked about her? she is teacher at allnations school, where the kids go to and she lives in flat no 3. mostly we eat dinner together in her flat because she allready has a kitchen) made fresh mango-passion-fruit-juice. we (caro, christan, and i) had brunch on the terrace of the mainbuilding. afterthat i just enjoyed the sunny day, played guitar, read a book and made the video (mainly the song, video didn`t took to much time) above. (pictures are: sunrise in airplane over nile river, trees by the farm, street from mainbuilding to workshop, street from kids-of-africa village to kawuku)
ah, i almost forgot about this: yesterday late at night a belgian teacher (trisha (i hope it is written like that) arrived at kids-of-africa. she will stay here for one month.
toller song!!
AntwortenLöschenwill auch mal einen ugandischen sonntag erleben, tönt noch gut mit all den fruchsäften :)
want me to write something for it? Really inspiring beat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!