Donnerstag, 21. April 2011

living under censorship

i think everybody knows how much facebook helped the revolutions in northafrica to be organised. so this is pretty interesting. during the w2w protests in uganda social networks such as facebook, twitter, and even some blogs were switched off. mtn (the internetprovider) said that they had problems with the cable, but internetsites like the one of mtn or google have been aviable the entire time. i was quite impressed about the "oops"  that the explorer showed me. now facebook is back and i just struggle with the normaly low power of the conection.  

around noon this impressive weather front raised up over bwerenge, and it really was that dark for some minutes. but it just rained a little, there was no big thunderstorm... and i hope there will be no thunderstorms during the weekend, we go to murchison national park for safari!

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