Montag, 27. Juni 2011

the great esacape...

...comes with a twist.

tage, dorthe and ida (the directors family) are in danmark to enjoy some weeks of holidays. so does christan, she left to the US to met her family and friends. back in kids, kieron (he is from ireland) and myself are the only muzungus. and because kieron is working in the school, during the day i am the only "different" one. that is not a big problem, after some time here i don`t realy feel that different, and the people don`t treat me different anymore. that is the case as long as i stay inside the defence of kids, as soon as i step outside i can hear kids shouting "muzungu" "bye, muzungu" "bye, bye"! (the kids from kids (sorry for all the kids, i hope you get what i mean) shout: youhonest, johanisi, hanis, youhanison or, which i like most, sharon when she sees me, says: you are myhonest)
acctualy, i is high visible that i am different. due to that, once in a while it is nice to go to places where you are just one out of many others. that are places like garden city, centenary park, lake victoria hotel, munyonyo speke resort and many others, to make the long story short: all the westernstyle resorts and restaurants where "rich" people hang out (it is, thankfully, not a matter of color, there are people from every race this planet owns). to go to such a place is somehow an escape to europe, just for some hours. but last sunday, my escape had a twist. i went to serena hotel, the most luxury hotel in kampala. i choosed it because it is close to garden city where i wanted to buy some plain youghurt which is not aviable in the village... i shouldn`t try to find an apology. i went to serena hotel, that`s what it is. i payed much to much money just to hang out on the pool, and as i sat down on my deckchair i realised that i was the different one once again. all around me where rich, old, (and here it was like this: mostly white) people with dollarsings in their eyes.

i prefer to be the only muzungu.

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