Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011

oh, sorry sorry!

it`s been a while since my last post. unfortunaly the internet was off for more than a week. even more unfortunaly is, that it was the week with the most interesting things happening since i`m in uganda. now it is a little bit hard to remember everything, but i`ll try. last thursday, may 12th, the swearing in ceremony for president museveni took place at kololo airstrip. but much more people attended to the return of besigye, the opposition leader, who was in nairobi for medical treatment (he was blinded because of pepperspray and teargas). he arrived in the morning in entebbe and drove on entebbe road to kampala. it took him more then ten hours to get to kampala, normaly it is a 45minutes cardrive. caroline and i took the puplic holyday as a chance to go to the botanical garden and the lake victoria hotel`s swimming pool in entebbe. so we met besigye on his way to kampala. the streets were filled with people waiting for him and he was surrounded by a huge crowd of celebrating people. hundrets of bodabodadrivers where cruising on the street, and as i was to scared to take pictures of besigye (because he was surrounded by police and military as well) i took a picture of a celebrating bodabodadriver.

when we saw besigye it was an as peacefull as impressive moment. later on there was a lot of violence, but it is still not easy to find good informations. please check

the following saturday christan, dorthe, tage, florence and i were guests of honor at the wedding of teacher maria. weddings are quite different here then what i am used to from switzerland. endless speaches mixed up with traditional dancing, loud popmusic out of a big PAsystem mixed up with an overmotivated master of ceremony (to our international quests: you look toooooo smart this evening) and african food mixed up with soda but no beer or wine. but people where all dressed very nice. 

even the little ones.

on tuesday florence took christan and me to an election party of rosemarie (i can`t remember the last name) who was elected as a new member of parliament. again there have been endless speachess but it was quite interesting (when somebody was talking in english, mostly they spoke luganda). rosemarie, for example, said: religion does not matter in politics! this was quite impressive as there where five pastors attending the party.

on friday thirty kids (or better: youngsters) from a school in kampala came to participate on the kids of africa sportsday. after a morning filled with running and playing the visitors performed some traditional dancing. a lot of bumshaking is normal for this kinds of dances and it was quite funny to see the youngest kids of KOA trying to imitate the dances.

i wanted to upload a wunderfull panoramapicture of a sunset, but it is much to big... maybe facebook will do it!

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